Tuesday, January 6

Project 365 Day 5 and Day 6

Day 5
I am having a rough time with my new year's resolution of not sleeping in.
I love my bed so much.
Its a feather top too...

Day 6
Me and Travis have a Garbage Dog....( he is no longer a German Shepard) He was locked in the garage last night and decided he wanted to be a bad boy...
Apparently he wanted to see if there were any Burger King Left overs.
What a rascal...


  1. Not sure what happened but I'm blaming it on the computer! You were on that list and then you weren't. Cosmic Raspberry to me. Sorry Girlie, just did an editors note to put you back on there. When you have time go back and grab your reward! Ugh.

    Love the pictures!

  2. Oh dear... at least he didn't bring the trash into the bedroom!

  3. I love the idea of project 365, I look forward to wathinng your photography grow!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me!!!

  4. LOL
    OH NO! I'm laughing because our garbage pug did this with the dirty DIAPER trash bag. Gross. We have learned to put the lid on now!

  5. your bed looks comfy...no wonder you don't want to get out...LOL

    I popped over from SITS to wish you Good Morning!


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